Botany Lab
The Botany Department has three labs to envisage the empirical knowledge in basic and advanced Botany for the freshers, sophomores and seniors. The lab has sophisticated equipments to perform studies in Plant Anatomy, Plant Taxonomy and various experiments in Plant Physiology, Cytology, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics and Environmental studies.
Labs and Facilities
- Botany Lab 1 (General Lab)
- Botany lab 2 ( Plant Systematic Lab)
- Bioinformatics lab - To familiarise the students with Bioinformatics software applications.
- Botany Museum - The Department has a well displayed Museum with preserved plant specimens of Algae (79), Fungi (23), Lichen (4), Bryophytes (23), Pteridophytes (50), Gymnosperm (98), Xerophytes (53), Hydrophytes (11), Insectivorous plants (30), Epiphytes (28). In addition to these, Economically as well as ethnobiologically important specimens are also displayed. Herbarium of valuable plants collected during various study tours are also kept for references.
- Inoculation room- An inoculation room with Laminar Air Flow chamber is used to create a contamination -free work environment for inoculation purposes.
List of major equipments
- Stereomicroscope
- Labomed LX300 Binocular Microscope
- Spectrophotometer
- Colorimeter
- Waterbath
- BOD incubator
- Soxhlet Apparatus
- Centrifuge
- Laminar Air Flow
- Hot Air Oven
- Electronic balance
- pH meter