The College stands for excellence, the quality of being outstanding and extremely good. We promote this quality in our staff and students in all their activities, to aim for the best.
Integrity is the quality of being honest in all things, to all people, and at all times. The College expects every stakeholder to nurture this quality both in the personal and social dimensions.
The College is committed to the holistic development of women and transforms them as agents of change within the family, society, and the nation as a whole.
The College is an inclusive community where each person has his/ her place and dignity irrespective of caste, creed, religion, region, or linguistic origin. The College invites everyone to enjoy the nectar of knowledge from the same fountain.
Social Commitment
The College is a living testimony of the social commitment of its founding fathers. We expect the students to grow up in the sense of commitment and in the awareness of what we owe to the less fortunate, the marginalized, and the exploited.