Institution’s Innovation Council

Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) is an initiative of Ministry of Education’s(MoE’s) Innovation Cell.  The aim of the IIC is to foster the culture of innovation and startup ecosystem in higher education institutions(HEIs).  IIC’s role is to engage large number of faculty, student and staff in various innovation and entreprneurship related activities such as Ideation, Problem solving, Design Thinking, IPR, Project handling and management at Preincubation/Incubation stage etc so that innovation and entreprenurship ecosystem gets established and stabilised in HEIs.

Assumption IIC Team


Position assigned in IIC

Dr. Rani Maria Thomas


Dr. Sherin Thomas

Vice President

Dr. Anu P Sebastian


Dr. Jikcey Isaac

NIRF Coordinator

Dr Whyni Gopi

ARIIA Coordinator

Fr Joseph Benedict Purackal

Social Media Coordinator

Dr. Jesly Jacob

IPR Activity Coordinator

Ms Siji Thomas

Internship Activity Coordinatot

Dr. Jissa G Krishna

Startup Activity Coordinator

Dr. Raji C G

Innovation Activity Coordinator
