- Research article published on Probiotic sporeformers enhances host health in International journal of cell science and molecular biology[IJCSMB ISSN2572-100]pp001-005 Volume 5 Issue 1 August 2018 (Anu P Sebastian, Keerthi T.R)
- Research paper published on In Vivo evaluation on the deleterious effects of Fipronil on earthworms in International Journal of Advanced scientific research and Management UGC referred journal ID-63502 (IJASRM,ISSN 2455-6378)pp65-69)Volume 3 Issue 7 July 2018 (Anu P Sebastian, Parvathi V,RemyaRajan,Biya Agnes Bernard,Beegum Farsana.AM)
- Research paper published on Comparative study on the effect of aqueous and ethanol extract of Carica papaya and Cereus pterogonus on Aedes aegypti in International Journal of Recent Scientific Research [IJRSR] ISSN:0976-3031 Vol. 9, Issue, 5, pp.26697-26699, May, 2018 Anu P Sebastian.,Dona Mary John.,Reenu George and SreelakshmiOmanakuttan
- Research paper published on Comparative Study on Nocturnal Insects Attracted To Various Light Sources in Imperial Journal on interdisciplinary research Vol.2(7),issue (July-2016) ISSN:2454-1362 (Jismy M Antony, Anu P Sebastian)
- Research paper published on Molecular Characterization and Health Promoting Attributes of MBTUPBBM1 Isolated from Cow Milk in International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences[IJCMAS] ISSN: 2319-7706Vol.4(6) issue (June-2015)840-845 (Anu P Sebastian, Keerthi T. R)
- Research paper published on Immunomodulatory effect of probiotic strain Bacillus subtilis MBTU PBBMI spores in Balb/C Mice in International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR), on ISSN:2321-0869 Volume-2, Issue-11, November 2014, 258-260 ( Anu P Sebastian, Keerthi T. R)
- Research paper published on Adhesion and cell surface properties of wild species of spore formers against enteric pathogens in Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine [APJTM] (ISSN 1995-7645 CODEN:APJTB6) December 2013, 110-114.doi:10.1016/S1995-7645(13)60004-8.(Anu P Sebastian, Keerthi T. R
- Review paper published as global news in online IPA Library on Probiotic potential of bacterial species from natural sources( Anu P Sebastian, Anjaly Anne Jacob, Keerthi T. R).www.international probiotics.org
- Research paper published on Probiotic effect of wild species of Bacillus Spore formers and its effect on enteric pathogens in International journal for pharma and biosciences. ISSN0975-6299 Bio. SciVol 3 Issue 1 Jan-Mar 2012(Anu P Sebastian, Keerthi T. R)
Conference proceedings
- Immunomodulatory effect of probiotic strain Bacillus subtilis MBTU PBBM1 spores in Balb/C mice (Anu P Sebastian, Keerthi T. R). Abstract published in the proceedings of Thai Society for Biotechnology (TSB) International Forum held at Bangkok Aug 28-30,2013
- Health promoting microflora from natural sources. (GlindyaBhagya Lakshmi, Anu P Sebastian, Keerthi T. R) Abstract published in the proceedings of International Conference on advances in Biological sciences held during March 15-17 2012
- Probiotic potential of Bacillus subtilis isolated from milk and its antagonism against enteric pathogens (Anu P Sebastian, Keerthi T. R) Abstract published in the proceedings of International Conference on Biotechnology for a Better Life 2010 (ICBBL-2010) held during Nov.16-17 at Kalaslingam University, Srivilliputtur, Tamil Nadu
- Abstract published in the proceedings of KSCSTE Sponsored National Seminar on organized by department of Zoology Assumption Autonomous College on Municipal solid waste management and its impact on Ecosystem,On ; on the topic In Vivo evaluation on the deleterious effect of fipronil on earthworms in 7-8 December, 2017
- Abstract published on topic Physiological properties augments probiotic potential of MBTUPBBM1 isolated from cow milk. in the proceedings of UGC and KSCSTE Sponsored National Seminar on Modern trends in Molecular Systematics organized by Post graduate department of Zoology St. Thomas Autonomous College, Thrissur; 11-12 September 2015
- Abstract published on topic Adhesion property is an enhanced probiotic potential of Bacillus subtilis MBTU- PBBM1 against enteric pathogens in the proceedings of UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Biopharmaceuticals organized by St. Marys College, Thrissur; 26-27 August 2011
- Abstract published on topic Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Post Operative Wound Infections and its Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern in the proceedings of 21 st Kerala Science Congress 2010 held at C Keshavan Memorial Town Hall Kollam
- Abstract published in the proceedings on the topic Study on Probiotic effect of wild species of Bacillus spores and its effect on enteric pathogensin Ist Kerala Women Science Congress held at St. Teresas College Ernakulam held during 10-12 August 2010
21. Books (title, publisher, year of publication, link to the source(DOI or URL) ISBN):