
Department of Physics

Sahayatri- School Mentorship Programme: Physics Department Participates

Date: December 06, 2024

The Department of Physics participated in the School Mentorship Programme organized by the IQAC of Assumption College. As part of this initiative, the department offered expert lectures on the topic 'From Nanotech to Space Tech.' The first session was conducted at St. George HSS, Muttar, on December 6, 2024. The sessions were led by Dr. Sherin Thomas and Ms. Ann Mary Mathew, who engaged with selected higher secondary students, providing them with valuable insights into cutting-edge advancements in nanotechnology and space technology.

Sahayatri- School Mentorship Programme: Physics Department Participates
Sahayatri- School Mentorship Programme: Physics Department Participates
Sahayatri- School Mentorship Programme: Physics Department Participates
Sahayatri- School Mentorship Programme: Physics Department Participates
Sahayatri- School Mentorship Programme: Physics Department Participates
Sahayatri- School Mentorship Programme: Physics Department Participates

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