Veena K, Angel Paulose, Anna Mathew, Maheswari A and Aleena anil represented Mahatma Gandhi University and secure BRONZE medal in the All India Inter University Volleyball Championship held KIT Bhuvaneswar from 4- 9 january 2022.
Assumption Hosted the South zone inter university Basketball women tournament 2021-22 , which was held from 27- 31 december 2021. Sixty Three (63) university teams from south India were participated in this Mega event.
Assumption stood Runner Up in the M G University Athletic meet held at Pala on 16-18 December 2021.
Organised Mahatma Gandhi University Basketball women championship from 11-12 December 2021. Assumption won the Championship.
Organised Mahatma Gandhi University Volleyball women championship from 27-28 December 2021. Assumption won the Championship.
Anu Maria C. S Represented India In the FIBA Asian Senior women championship held at Jordan from 26th September to 3rd October 2021.
Organised Mahatma Gandhi University Intercollegiate Basketball Men & Women, Volleyball Men & women and Handball Men & Women competitions for the year 2020-21 was held from 4- 9 August 2021. Assumption bagged all the three titles in the women sections.
Assumption won the M G University Intercollegiate softball women Championship on 13-16 September 2021.
Certificate Programme on ‘FITNESS THROUGH YOGA PRACTICES’ Commenced from 25th June 2020.
Celebrated International Yoga Day on 21st June 2020. Expert talk Given by Dr.Agustine George, Asst. prof. Govt. Medical College Kottayam.
Assumption Basketball Team won the All Kerala Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament Organised by University of Kerala on 6th March 2020
Assumption Basketball Team won the All Kerala Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament Organised by MarIvaneos College Trivandrum 0n 3rd to 5th March 2020.
Seven Athletes participated in the KHELO India University Games at Orissa on 28th February to 1st March 2020.
Organised Assumption Sports Day on12th to 14th February 2020.
Assumption Basketball Team won the All Kerala Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament Organised by St. St Xaviers College, Aluva 0n 12th to 14th February 2020
Assumption Sports Merit Day on 14th February 2020 to honour Athletes and coaches.
Assumption Basketball Team won the All Kerala Intercollegiate Basketball Tournament Organised by St. St Xaviers College, Aluva 0n 12th to 14th February 2020.
Assumption Volleyball Team won the All Kerala Intercollegiate Volleyball Tournament Organise d by St. St Peters College, Kozhencherry.
Assumption Volleyball Team won the All Kerala Intercollegiate Volleyball Tournament Organise d by St. Stephens College Uzhavoor on 29th to 31st January 2020.
Assumption Hosting the the MGU Netball Men and women Competitions on 24rd and 25th January 2020.
FIVE BASKETBALL Players Anu, Donna, Jayalakshmi, Olivia and Joma represented Kerala and WON KHELO INDIA U-21 Nationals held at Orissa from 17 to 21 January 2020.
TWO VOLLEYBALL Players Anna and Veena represented KERALA and SECURED SILVER in KHELO INDIA U-21 Nationals held at Orissa from 13 to 17 January 2020.
Assumption Rollball Team WON the M G UTY Rollball women Championship held at U C College Aluva on 12th and 13th January 2020.
FIFTEEN Athletes from Assumption Represeneted M G UTY in AIIIU Athletic Meet held at Manglore in December 2019 and Secured FOUR SILVER [Seneha, Anila and Aleesha] and TWO BRONZE[ Maria and aleesha] Medals
EIGHT Basketball Players of Assumption Represented M G U and WON SILVER in the SZ AIIU Volleyball Championship held at SRM UTY Chennai in December 2019.
Assumption Won the Prestigious M G University Athletic Championship held at Pala on 12th to 14th December 2019.
FIVE Volleyball Players Represented M G U and WON SILVER in the SZ AIIU Volleyball Championship held at SRM UTY Chennai in December 2019.
Assumption WON the M G UTY BASKETBALL Women championship held at M G University on 7th and 8th December 2019.
TWELWE Players of Assuption Represented M G UTY and Secures BRONZE Medal in the SZ AIIU Handball Championship held at Uty of Calicut in November 2019.
Assumption WON the M G UNIVERSITY VOLLEYBALL Women Championship held at Assumption College on 9th and 10th November 2019.
VISMAYA V. K did 52.54 (Personal Best) and came first in 400M women, today, Kladno at Chezk Republic.
Assumption WON The MG UTY Handaball W Championship held at BAM COllege, Thurithicadu on 12th to 14th September 2019.
LAVANYA P Represented INDIA in the U-23 ASIAN VOLLEYBALL Championship held at Tailand in August 2019.
Organised ASSUMPTION TOURNAMENTS on 28th and 29th August 2019.
Vismaya V. II MSW Student Secured two Silver Medals in The Asian Athletic Meet held at Doha in April 2019.
Assumption WON the MG University Fencing Women Championship 2018-19. Team Secured 4 Gold 3 Silver and 2 Bronze Medals from EPPE, FOIL and SABRE individual and team events. Saranya, Justeena, sandra, Josmi and Arya from Assumption were selected to the MGU team for the AIIU FENCING championship 2018-19.
Anu Maria C.S, Ist year BA English Literature Student of Our College is selected to the INDIAN WOMEN BASKETBALL team for the under – 18 Asian Basketball Championship to be held at Bangaluru from October 28th to November 3rd
Assumption Handball team won the M.G University Intercollegiate Women HandBall tournament held at Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha on 19th& 20th October 2018.
M G University Intercollegiate Women Basketball Tournament to be held at Assumption College on 8thand 9th October 2018.
Reception Given to Asian Games Medal winner VISMAYA V. K on 5th September 2018
ANNA MATHEW Represented INDIA in the ASIAN JUNIOR VOLLEYBALL Championship held at Vietnam in JUNE 2018.
Priya CC selected to the Senior Indian Basketball team for the World Cup to be held at North Korea in September 2016.
Assumption College selected as the best college in sports and games instituted by the Kerala state sports council for the year 2014-15.
Poojamole K S participated in the FIBA Asian Women Basketball Championship held at Wahan, China on 2nd to 9th August 2015.
Anu R participated in the 15th IAAF World Athletic Championship held at Beijing, China on 22nd to 30th August 2015.
Anu R secured 4th place in the Asian Athletic Championship held at Wahan, China on June 2015.
Anu R secured Gold medals in 400M Hurdles, 4x400 M Relay & Silver in 400M Race in the 35th National Games 2015.
Alumnae O P Jaisha secured Two Gold medals in 5000M & 10000M Race in the 35th National Games 2015.
Sruthi Johney secured Gold medal in the 35th National Games Women Volleyball Championship.
Poojamole K S secured Gold medal in the 35th National Games Women Basketball Championship.
Sanisha E P participated in the U-23 Asian Volleyball Championship-056 held at Manila, Philippines on 1st to 9th May 2015
Poojamole K S participated in the Three on three Asian senior Basketball Championship held at Tailand on 15th to 18th November 2014.
Poojamole K S participated in the Asian Junior Basketball Championship held at Jordan on 12th to 17th October 2014.
Poojamole K S participated in the 17th Asian Games held at Incheon, South Korea, on 19th September to 4th October 2014
Maria Juliet participated in the 3rd Losofonia Games held at Goa, India, January 2014.
Rekha S secured Gold in the 3rd Losofonia Games held at Goa, India, January 2014.
POOJAMOL K. S represented India Three times - In the Inchoen Asian Gamesin September 2014, Junior Asian Championship held at Jordan in October 2014 and Three on Three Basketball Championship held at Thailand in December 2014 and also she Secured Gold Medal in the 35th National Games and in the Junior.
ANU RAGHAVAN secured Gold in 400M Hurdles, 4*400M Relay and Silver in 400M race in the 35th National Games also - Secured Gold in 400 m Hurdles and 4 x 400 m Relay and Silver in 400 All India Inter University athletic meet held at Moodibidri, Manglore and set new meet record in the M G university meet.
SRUTHI JOHNEY secured Gold Medal in the 35th National Games, Gold in the Federation Cup Volleyball Turnament held at Chennai and Secured Silver in the all India Inter University Volleyball Championship