
Department of Malayalam

Prof. Dr Jaisymol Augustine
Dept. of Malayalam
Designation Professor & HoD
Phone (optional) 9400821559
Institutional email ID
ORCID or other -0000-0002-1290-4555
Area of specialisation Malayalam ( Mysticism in Malayalam writings)
Date of joining the college 05 June 2006
Academic qualification
  • M.A ,B Ed, NET, PhD
Work Experience

Previous Experience in Teaching Before become as an Assistant professor in Assumption College

  • 3 years and 3 months as PGT in Malayalam @ High Range School ,Mattupatty, Munnar
  • 1 year @ Carmel public Higher Secondary School ,Trivandrum
Current or previous Positions/Responsibilities (outside the college)
  • Editorial Board Member of RoopeekaranaBhashyam of Danahalayafromm 2008 onwards
  • Editorial Member of Mulyasruthi Magazine of Chavara Cultural Centre  from 2006 onwards
  • Sreening Committe member of  Faculty Promotions, M.G University, Kottayam
Current Positions/Responsibilities (in the college)
  • From 2006 to 2013 &2016-2018 in charge of  CSM
  • From 2006-2013 &2016 to 2018 in Charge of Music Club
  • From 2011-2013 Member of PTA Committee
  • From  2010-2013 Member of Grievance Redressal Cell
  • From 2006-2011 & 2016 -2019 Member of Magazine committee
  • In 2019-20 – Chief Editor of  College Magazine
  • From 2018-2021 March Head of the department of Malayalam
  • From 2018 -2021 March Academic Councill member
  •  From 2017 to 2022 IQAC Member
  • From 2018-2021 March Staff council member
  • From 2018 to 2021 chairman of Board of studies of Malayalam
  • From 2018 to 2021chairman of Valuation committee of Malayalam
  • From 2006 onwards committee member of student welfare
  • From 2006 onwards the committee member for Announcements of    sports and games especially volley and Basket
  • From 2024 May onwards Head of The Department
  • From 2024 onwards Staff Council Member 
  • From 2024 onwards Academic Council Member 
  • 2024 onwards Curriculum committee joint convener
Awards and Achievements
  •          2nd Rank in B.A Malayalam in MG University – 1998 March
  •         2nd Rank in  M.A Malayalam in MG University- 2000 March
  •          Patent : Application No 202441033273 date of filing: 26/04/2024 

                Title of invention:  Method for Enhancing online Education and skill evaluation via  artificial intelligence and machine learning

Courses attended (Orientation, Refresher, FDP, etc.)

Orientation Course:  – IT Oriented orientation course  @ Academic staff  College, Kariyavattom Trivandrum from 2nd May to 31st May 2008

Refresher courses:

  1. Refresher course in Malayalam@ Academic Staff College Kariyavattom ,Uty of Kerala From  2nd May to 22nd May  2007
  2. Refresher course in Comparitive Literature   UGC HRDC KariavattomUty of Kerala From 18th October to 7th November 2016
  3. Attended an Online  2 week FDP programme on Media and Art in Teaching and   Learning (Learning)under the Ministry of Education PMMMNMTT Scheme@ Bishop Moore College Mavelikkara  from 12th  to 25th Jannuary 2021.

Short term Courses :

  1. Attended Short term course on Women Empowerment  @ UGC HRDC KariayavattomUty of    Kerala from 06/11/2017 to 11/11/2017
  2.  Attended Short term  course on women Studies @ UGC HRDC KariyavattomUty of Kerala  From 19/12/2018 to 27/12/2018


         1 Attended 5 Day workshop on M.G Uty  curriculum revision and syllubus making @Kuravilangadu Devamatha College from November 27 /2023 to Decmber 1st 2024

Resource person for seminars and workshops/Invited Lectures
  1. Worked as the resource person and delivered an Invited lecture on Vayalar’s Aathmavil oru Chitha in the International SeminarConducted by PG Department of Malayalam Mar Ivanios College in Collaboration with Kerala Bhasha Institute on 27th October 2022
  2. Worked as the resource person and delivered an Invited lecture on Veenapoovum Bahupaadangalum in the International SeminarConducted by PG Department of Malayalam Mar Ivanios College in Collaboration with Aasan deseeya Smaraka Institute on 6th December 2022 
  3. Worked as the resource of Bharana bhasha varakhosham of Sub Registrar office Changanasserry on 2nd November 2023 and Delivered a talk on  Bharanabhashaa -lalithabhasha (ഭരണഭാഷ -ലളിത ഭാഷ)
  4. Worked as the resource of Bharana bhasha varakhosham of Taluk office Changanasserry on 7th November 2023 and Delivered a talk on  Bharanabhashaa -Padanabhasha (ഭരണഭാഷ -പഠന ഭാഷ)
  5. Worked as the resource of  Childrens Day Celebrations of Balasahithya Institute @Kottayam D.D Office on 14th November 2023
Paper presentation in Seminars

Papers Presented in National Seminars

  1. Presented A paper on Basheers writings named BashheerkruthikalumSamakalasidhanthangalum in the paper presentation programme at SakhheerHussain training centrePerunnai on Behalf centenary celebrations of Birthday of Basheer, conducted by SamskarikaVakuppu ,Kerala Govt. in Februry 5th 2008
  2. Presented a paper on ChanalukalileVarthavairudhyangal in the national Seminar on Interdisciplinary dimensions of media and new world order @ Baselios College Kottayam from 20th August 2014 to 22nd August 2014
  3. Presented a paper on Mobile PhonumsamskarathinteChalanathmakathayum in the national Seminar on contemporary media a tool for social change  on  September 4th 2014 in Assumption College Changanacherry
  4. Presented a paper on puthukalacinemakalileSthreePrathinaidhanangal in the National Seminar on Women empowerment through media -@ Assumption College Changanacherry from September 08 to September 09 -2015
  5. Presented a Paper on the topic of SamvruthokarathekurichullaVyakaranaBhashaSasthraNigamanangal in the national seminar at CMS college Kottayam on January 28th 2016
  6. Presented a Paper on the topic of NavodhanamulyangalKunjiraman Nair Kavithayil in the national seminar on 11th February 2016 at NSS Hindu College,Changanacherry
  7. Presented a Paper on the topic of PuthukalacinemakalilAvishkarikapedunnasadacharadwamsanavumSthreeyum in the national seminar on 18th February 2016 at Bharathmatha College Thrikkakkara
  8. Presented a Paper on StreevadachinthakalumThekkanPaattukalileSthreePrathinidhanavum on 15th December 2017 in the national semiar,FolklorePadanathinteVarthamanam conducted by Folklore society of South Indian Languages at Devamatha College Kuravilangadu
  9. Presented a paper on Syrian KudiyettavaumKnayithommanteSthaanaMahimakalumPuraathanapattukalil  in National Seminar on Christian Folklore @Assumption college in 13th September 2018
  10. Presented a paper on Magical Realism  Urumiyil  in the 3 Days National Seminar on Film and Literature conducte by Alphonsa College Palai in Collaboration with Kerala Chalachithra Academy from 18th to 20th July 2018
  11. Presented a paper onSthraina Swathanthryam Madhavikkutti kadhakalil in the National Seminar on MalayalathileSthreeRachanakal  @Assumption college in 18th December 2019
  12. Presented a paper on Urvara sangeethathile Keezhaala Darshanam  in the 5 Days National Webiar Series onBhashayude Puthuvazhikal conducte by Pavanathma College Murickasserry  in Collaboration with Malayala Aikyavedi  from 26th January to 31st January 2022
  13. Presented a paper on Veenapoovu oru Ardhanthara vaayana in the 2 Days National Seminar on Kumaranasan @150l conducte by Malabar Christian CollegeKozhikodu  in Collaboration with Bhashaposhini  from 30th June to 1st July 2022
  14. Presented a paper on Hasyam VKN Kaikaryam Cheyyumpol  in the  National Seminar  on  Malayaala  Novelinite Sanchaarapadhangal conducte by PG Department of Malayalam Mar Ivanios College in Collaboration with Kendra Sahithya Academy on 13th September 2022
  15. Presented a paper on Malayalathile Sthreepaksha cinemakal- oru samskarika visakalanam in the national Seminar on Cinemayude Samskarika Varthamanam conducted by The department of Malayalam  Assumption college in collaboration with Kerala Chalachithra Academy from January 30 to January 31st 2024

Paper Presentation in International Seminar

  1. Presented a Paper on the topicKumaraharanathile Upanishad thathwangal  in the multi disciplinary international Seminar conducted by SWASH @ Trivandrum on 21st December 2018
  2. Presented a paper on the topic vayalarinte Ganangalum Athmavil oru Chithayaum in the international seminar, titled Vayalarinte Sarga prapancham on 27th October 2022, conducted by P.G Department of Malayalam Mar Ivanius college in collaboration with Kerala Sahithya academy
  3. Presented a paper on   the topic Veenapoovum Bahupadangalum in the international seminar titled Asan @150 on 6thDecember 2022,conducted by  PG Department of Malayalam Mar ivanius college in collaboration with Asan Samsakarika Vedi
  4. Presented a Paper on the topic Pranayam- Manavaanathara Kalaghattathil in the international multi disciplinary online conference QUAESITIO 2022 conducted by  St.Stephens college Uzhavoor on 21st December 2022

Publications in Inter National Journals

  1. Published an article-Mystic consciousness in Gitanjali in the international Journal IJELLH (UGC approved no.43979) in November 2016.(ISSN-2321-7065) impact factor 4.287(ISO 9001:2008)
  2. Published an article Cairo 678 an explication in the International Journal IJELLH (UGC Approved no-43979) in June 2017 (ISSN-2321-7065) impact factor-5.27(ISO 9001:2008)
  3. Published an article Bhakthiyogam and Hindu Mysticism in the aInternational Journal Contemporary Research in India (UG C approved No. 62441) in March 2018 (ISSN: 2231- 2137) Impact factor: 0.956(GIF)
  4. Published an article Mystic Vision of Tagore and the Malayalam Poet P.Kunjiraman Nair in the International Journal IJELLH (UGC Approved no-43979) in May 1st 2018 (ISSN-2321-7065) impact factor-5.27(ISO 9001:2008)
  5. Published an article Crime-27 of C.J in the international Journal Contemporary research In India(UGC approved no-62441) in March 2018 Volume:8, ISSN-2231-2137,Impact Factor-0.956(GIF)
  6. Published an article- The Mystic Vision of Tagore and The Malayalam Poet P.Kunjiraman Nair-A Comparison explication in the International Journal IJELLH(UGC Approved no.43979) in April 2018 (ISSN-2321-7065) impact factor-5.27
  7. Published an article-An Eco-Feminist Reading Of Selected Stories of Sara Joseph in the International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) ISSN (Online):2319 -7722, ISSN (Print):2319-7714, ||Volume 7 Issue 08 Ver.I ||August.2018 || PP.04-06, (UGC approved no-47449)impact factor:5.35.
  8. Published an Article  Magical Realism in Urumi in the international Journal of IOSR, international Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences  with UGC approval No 5070, ISSN 2279- 0845 volume 24 issue 4 in April 2019
  9. Published an article "A comparative study of Pearl S Buck's 'The Good Earth' and Malayatoor Ramakrishnans Verukal in the perspective of Space and Culture" in the international Journal of  Positive School Psychology with Scopus Indexed, ISNN 2717/7564 (UGC Care Group 2)
  10. Published an article entitled 'The Smell and Echo of the Death in the Stories of Madhavikkutty' in the international Journal of Health sciences, ISSN2550-6972 Scopus indexed                 Link of the journal: , Pages: 11870–11874. E.ISSN 2550-696X on 14-06-2022 (UGC Care Group 2)
  11. Published an article entitled The vision(Phlosophy)of the oppressed in the Urvarasangeetham(Frtility music) in the International Journal, JOURNAL OF COSTAL LIFE MEDICINES indexed by Clarivative web of Science (UGC Care Group 2) on 16th APril 2023  E.ISSN 2309-6152 (coden:JCLMC4)                                                                                                       Link of the journal:
  12. Published an article entitled An Anthropomorphic Reading of Thakazhy’s Vellapokkathil and Padmanabhan’s Shekhutty with a in the internatonal journal,(AFJBS) African Journal of Biological Sciences indexed by Scopus(Q4) on JUNE2024 ,ISSN: 2663-2187       Volume -6 issue 7                                                                                                                       Link of the journal:                                      


Publications in  Refereed National Journals ( UGC Carelisted also)

  1. Published an article named AnanthankattileBhakthiyogam in the peer reviewed National journal- Malayalam Research Journal (UGC approved No.41569) in 2013 October Vol.17 ISSN-0974-1984
  2. Published an article named BaneenjakkavithakalileKalpanavisheshangalumJeevithaveekshanavum in the peer reviewed National journal-Malayalam Research Journal (UGC approved No. 41569) in April 2015 Vol.17(ISSN-0974-1984)
  3. Published an article on the Topic of Bhakthiyoga and Hindu Mysticism in the peer refereed Journal, JET, ISSN 2394-3847 Volume 8, 2016
  4. Published an article entitled Veenapoovu -Oru Ardhanthara vayana in the Peer reviewed Journal- MALABAR RESEARCH MANUEL  on April 2022, ISSN: 2320-947X, pages111-115
  5. Published an aticle Entitled  Upanishad's principles in Kumaraharanam Pana  in the UGC Carelisted Journal (UGC care group 1) PURANA ,ISSN:0555-7860 pages 81-87 0n July 2022
  6. Published an aticle Entitled Veenapoovu- A reading of multip[licity of semantic variants in  the UGC Carelisted Journal Education and Society ,ISSN: 2278-6864 pages 54-56 on July-September issue 2022
  7. Published an aticle Entitled Kumaranasans Veenapoovu - A Folklore Perspective in the UGC Carelisted Journal BHAIRAVI , ISSN:0975-5217 (pages-131-137) on April 2023
  8. Published an aticle Entitled Love in the Post Humanistic Period, A study based on the film  HER by Spike Jonze in the  UGC Carelisted Journal History Research Journal                ISSN: 0976-5425 pages143-146 issue XXX May 2023
  9. Published an aticle Entitled  Madhavikutty - A writer with Double Personality in the  UGC Carelisted Journal Rabindrabharathy- Journal of Philosophy ,ISSN :0973-0087,                    pages  53-58 on June 2023
  10. Published an aticle Entitled   Mysticism an essence of Bhakthiyoga in the UGC Carelisted Journal DOGO RANGA SANG RESEARCH JOURNAL  ,ISSN: 2347-7180,                     pages 32-35 on June 2023
  11. Published an aticle Entitled  The Mystic poem of Aurobindaghosh in the UGC Carelisted Journal KUTAP, ISSN: 2582-5356 pages 46-48 on June 2023
  12. Published an aticle Entitled  An analytical study of the Experimental  Malayalam  Drama CRIME-27 of 1128 in the UGC Carelisted Journal  Shodhak - A journal of Historical Research , ISSN:0302-9832 pages 486-492 (VOL.52 issue :20 July -Sept 2023
  13. Published an aticle Entitled പ്രണയം മാനവാനന്തര കാല ഘട്ടത്തിൽ ,സ്പൈക്ക് ജോൺസിന്റെ ഹെർ എന്ന സിനിമയെ ആസ്പദമാക്കി ഒരു പഠനം in the Peer Reviewed -Refereed Journal  Aureole ,OnlineISSN:2455-877X pages 147-150
  14. Published an aticle Entitled THE VAJRAKUNDALAM OF KAKKAD: A CONTEMPLATION/AN EVALUATION in the UGC Care Group 1Journal Education and Society,                              ISSN : 2278-6864 ,Vol. 47, No.2 April-June 2024
  15. Published an aticle Entitled  A CRITICAL CREATIVE ANALYSIS OF E. SANTHOSH KUMAR’ THREE FINGERS in the UGC Carelisted Journal URBAN INDIA, ISSN-0970-9045, Vol 44, Issue 1, No. 2, 2024, June 2024
  16. Published an aticle Entitled FEMINIST PERSPECTIVES AND REPRESENTATION OF WOMEN IN THEKKAN PATTU  in the UGC Carelisted online Journal, ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts  online  ISSN:2582-7472 Vol. 5 No. 6 (2024): Volume 5 Issue 6 June - 2024                                                                                                                                       Link of the journal:    DOI

Articles in Books with ISBN. No  

  1. Published an article on Mobile PhonumsamskarathinteChalanathmakathayum in the Book Madhyamasameeksha published by Assumption Malayalam Department ISBN 978-81-89085-90-2
  2. Published an article on the topic of SamvruthokarathekurichullaVyakarana,Bhashasathranireekshanangal in the book Malayalavyakaranamsamakaleenasameepanagal, ISBN-978-81-925991-9-9 published by CMS college Kottayam on August 2016.
  3. Published an article on PuthukaalaMalayalaCinemakaqlileSthreePrathinidhanangal in the book SthreepakshaMadhyamavicharam published by Department of Malayalam Assumption College, ISBN: 978-93-85105-90-6
  4. Published an article on Syrian KudiyettavaumKnayithommanteSthaanaMahimakalumPuraathanapattukalil in the Book of Christian folklore CarithravumVarthamanvum published by department of  Malayalam with ISBN 978-93-87709-05-8 in December 2018
  5. Published an article onMaranathinte manavum Muzhakkavum Maadhavikkuttikadhakalil in the book of Pennezhuthu, Anubhavam ,Bhavukathwam ,Vaayanakalpubished by dept of Malayalam with ISBN 978-9.-87709-28-7 in November 2019
  6. Published an article on SamvruthokaarathekurichullaVyaakaranaparamaya Nireekshanangal in the Book BhashaSahithyam Bahuswaravayanakal publishe by Department of Malayalam catholicate college ,Pathanamthitta with ISBN  978-81-922638-4-7  in August 2019
  7. Published an article on SugathakumariyudeStreeparvamOruAswadanaPadanam in the Book SahithyaSamanwayam published by Department of Malayalam Pavanathma college ,Murikkasserry with ISBN  978-81-947879-2-1 in November 2020
  8. Published an article Ramante Edanthottam - Oru Sthreepaksha vayana in the Book Cinemayude Samskarika Varthamanam published by Department of Malayalam, Assumption College Autonomous Changanasserry on August 2024 , ISBN:978-81-969080-8-9 page:47-52


Articles in UGC Proceedings

  1.  Published an article in the Proceeding of UGC sponsored National Seminar conducted by CMS collegeKottayam on April 2016. Topic Samvruthokaram-Vyakarana,BhashasasthraNireekshanangal


Articles in State level Magazines

  1. Published an article titled kakkadinte Vajrakundalam chila chinthakal in the Magazine: MulyaSruthy vol.2 issue 3, 2007 March
  2. VeenapoovuOruArdhantharavayana in Mulyasruthy vol.2,issue 7, July 2007
  3. Published a poem named Kalaporattinu namovakam in the Magazine Mulyasruthy on January 2009
  4. Published an article named Dilliyilemanjukalamayaayyappasmruthikal in Mulyasruthy publications in December 2011
  5. Published an article KunjiramanNayarudeOnam in Mulyasruthi Magazine published by Chavara Cultural Centre publications Ernakulam on September 2015
  6. Published an article PuthuvarshavumThiricharivukalum in the Magazine Campus Jyothis on January 2016
  7. Published an article on the topic of Aurobindaghoshinte Mystic Kavyam in the MulyasruthiMagazine,chavara cultural centre,Ernakulam on February 2017
  8. Published an article on the topic of valiyakaviyudeCheriyavarikal in the MulyasruthiMagazine,chavara cultural centre,Ernakulam on March 2017
  9. Published an article on the topic Vaayumalineekaranathinte AnantharaPhalangal in Mulyasruthi Cultural Magazine of Chavara Cultural centreErnakulam in April 2017
  10. Published an article on the topic Keralathila SamskruthasaahithyathinuKristhyanikaludeSambhavana in Mulyasruthi Cultural Magazine of Chavara Cultural centreErnakulam in             May 2017
  11. Published an article on the topic SwargathileManjineNashtapeduthunnavar in Mulyasruthi Cultural Magazine of Chavara Cultural centreErnakulam in June 2017
  12. Published an article on the topic SethuvinteDoothuOruAvalokanam in Mulyasruthi Cultural Magazine of Chavara Cultural centreErnakulam in July 2017
  13. Published an article on the topic DeshabhimanavumBhashabhimanavumKunjiramannairKavithakalil in Mulyasruthi Cultural Magazine of Chavara Cultural centreErnakulam in August 2017
  14. Published an article on the topic Onam AithihangalumAacharangalum in Mulyasruthi Cultural Magazine of Chavara Cultural centreErnakulam in September 2017
  15. Published an article on the topic MarichaKunjungaludeVaravumEnnavumEzhuthum-Sugathakumariyudeyum S .JosephinteyumKavithakaliloode in Mulyasruthi Cultural Magazine of Chavara Cultural centreErnakulam in October 2017
  16. Published an article on the topic Kutty-Madhavikkuttikadhakalil in Mulyasruthi Cultural Magazine of Chavara – Cultural centreErnakulam in November 2017
  17. Published a Poem MoshtakkaludeRajjavu in Ezhuthu Magazine in July  2018




Books Published(Single authored by Dr.Jaisymol Augustine)

  1. Sr.MaryBaneenja- (Life Story) Published from State institute of language Kerala, (ISBN -978-81-200-4109-7) in MAY 2017
  2. KattakkayamCherianMappila -(Life Story) Published from State institute of language Kerala (ISBN -978-81-200-4173-8) in MAY 2017
  3. ThurannezhuthintePenMukham – Madhavikkutty published from Eye Books Kozhikode with ISBN 976-93-87826-52-0  On December 2020


EDITED BOOKS  By Dr.Jaisymol Augustine

  1. Christian Folklore CharithravumVarthamanvum with 32 Articles from Turn Books Kottayamwith ISBN 978-93-87709-05-8 in December 2018
  2. Pennezhuthu, Anubhavam ,Bhavukathwam ,Vaayanakal  with 29 Articles from Turn Books Kottayam  with ISBN 978-9.-87709-28-7 in November 2019
Seminars and workshops organized
  • Attended National seminar on media and culture conducted by depts of Malayalam & English of Assumption College on December 3rd 2008
  • Attended a Seminar on Mind Dynamics for personal Exellence conducted by Dr. A.Abraham in Assumption college Changanacherry in 19th November 2009
  • Attended a National Seminar on cherukadhayilepurushakoymayumSthreeprathirodhavum at St.Thomas College Pala on 21st June to 23rd June 2010
  • Attended a national seminar on Interdisciplinary dimensions of media and new world order @ Baselios College Kottayam from 20th August 2014 to 22nd August 2014
  • Attended a National Seminar on contemporary media u2013a tool for social change @ Assumption College from September 2 to 4 in Assumption College Changanacherry
  • Attended a National Seminar on Women empowerment through media -@ Assumption College Changanacherry from September 08 to September 9 2015
  • Attended a National Seminar on Navodhanakala Malayalam at NSS Hindu College Changanacherry from 10th February to 12th February 2016
  • Attended a national Seminar at Bharatmatha College Thrikkakkara from 16th to 18th February 2016
  • Attended a Inter National Seminar on MalayalatheSuriyaniChristyanikaludePurathanappattukal @ B C M College KTM on Aug 2017.
  • Attended a national seminar on Folklore PadanathinteVarthamanam conducted by Folklore society of South Indian Languages at Devamatha College Kuravilangadu from 14th to 16th December 2017
  • Attended a national seminar on Christian  Folklore conducted by Assumption Malayalam DepartmentChanganacherry on 13th September  2018
  • Attended an Internationl Seminar on Multidisciplinary Aspects conducted by SWASH on 21st December 2018
  • Attended  a national Seminar on MalayalathileSthreeRachanakalcionducted by Assumption Malayalam Department on 18th December 2019
  •  Organized  and attended a Webinar on PuthukavithayileHarithaBodham  conducted by Department of Malayalam Assumption College on 25th September 2020
  • Organized and attended a National webinar on Kavyasameeksha conducted by Department of Malayalam Assumption College on October 2021
  • Attended  3 day National webinar series of Bhashayude Puthu Vazhikal Conducted by Pavanathama College Murickasserry from 25th January to 27th January 2022
  • Attended  an  oneday national Seminar on Malayala novelinte Sanchara Padhangal @ Mar Ivanius Collge on 13th September 2022
  • Attended  an Internnational Seminar on  vayalarinte sargaprapancham@mar Ivanius College from 26th October to 27th October 2022
  • Attended an International seminar on Aasan @150 at Mar Ivanius college from 5th December to 6th Decmber 2022
  • Attended an International online conference( QUAESITIO-22-23) conducted by stephens College Uzhavoor from 19th December 2022 to 1st January 2023
  • Attended a National Seminar on cinemayude samskarika Varthamanam conducted by Department of Malayalam Assumption College on 3oth January to 31st January 2024

E- content material of Dr.Jaisymol





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