The Home Science Alumnae Association of Assumption College organized an alumnae meeting on 10th February 2024 at Powathil Hall. The event was attended by more than 40 former students and faculty members, who gathered to reminisce and reconnect with their alma mater. The meeting began with a welcome speech by the secretary of the alumnae association Ms. Anne Mary Joseph, followed by the presidential address by Ms. Rijy Baben (President, HSAAAC). Thereafter the treasurer of the association Ms. Manjulin Jacob presented the report of last year's activities and finances, followed by a discussion and feedback session. In between talented alumnae treated the audience with mesmerizing songs.
The association honored the former faculty Rev. Sr. Miranda and the retiring faculty of the Department Ms. Anne Mary Joseph, who did 27 years of service and had dedicated their careers to teaching and mentoring the students of Home Science. The meet also featured a memory-sharing session, where the alumnae shared their experiences and anecdotes from their college days. Some of them expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the Department and the faculty, who had shaped their personal and professional lives.
The meeting also conducted an election for new office bearers of the association, who will take charge in the coming year. The meeting concluded with some fun games for the alumnae, a vote of thanks by the joint secretary Sr. Elizabeth Joseph, a photo session, and a campus visit. The alumnae also enjoyed the delicious lunch arranged by the association. The alumnae meeting was a successful and memorable event, which showcased the strong bond and camaraderie between the former and current members of the Home Science Department.