- Invited Lecture on ‘Corporates drive the Economy’, Stephen Mathews Former Principal SB College, Changanacherry& Director Management Studies , S.B College on 6/8/2018
- Erudite Scholar in Residence Programme “ Globalisation, Inequality & Sustainable Development” Expert Lecture-Research in Agricultural Economics by Prof. D NarasimhaReddy,Prof. Emeritus, Institute of Human Development, New Delhi(In Collaboration with KeralaState Higher Education Council ( KSHEC) & S.B College) on 15th August 2018
- ED club Seminar on ‘Women Entrepreneurship: Opportunities and Challenges’byMrs. AnuIpe, Chartered AccountantKottayam on 13th September 2018
- Erudite Scholar in Residence Programme “ Human Rights , Gender & Sustainable Development ’’ Expect Lecture- Maternity Benefit Act 1961 by Prof. Emeritus PadminiSwaminathan, Tata Institute of Social Sciences , Hyderabad(In Collaboration with KSHEC& S.B, Baselius Colleges) on 29th January 2019
- Expert Lecture on GST, by Dr. Philips, M.P ,Head& Professor (Retd.) Dept. of Economics, S.B .College (Autonomous) Changanacherry on 1 February 2019
- An expert Talk on ‘Game Theory and its relevance’was delivered byProf. Hemant Kumar Ettumanoorappan College, Ettumanoor on 22/07/2019.
- Lecture on ‘Behavioural Economics’ by Ms. Susmi Thomas, Research Assistant, IIM, Indore on23/07/2019
- An expert lecture on ‘Economic Crisis and Fiscal Implications’ by Dr. Philips, M.P ,Head & Professor (Retd.) Dept. of Economics, S.B .College (Autonomous) Changanacherry on 21/11/2019
- Career Opportunities in Economics by Shri. Saju K Surendran, IES, Deputy Development Commissioner ,Cochin Special Economic Zone (CSEZ)Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India on 21/01/2020
- Organised a webinar on on the topic ‘Policy Responses to Covid-19 Induced Economic Crisis in India by the Department of Economics on 14th August, 2020.
- Organised a webinar onAchieving Gender Equality in India. How Far to Go? Organised by the Department of Economicson 12th November, 2020
- Participated in the one week faculty Development Programme on Capacity Building in Drafting Proposals for Funded Research by Guru AngadDevTraining Learning Centre,SGTBKhalsa College, University of Delhi under PanditMadan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Training of MHRDand St. Teresa’s College (Autonomous) Ernakulam, Kerala
- Participated in the webinar on Teaching Tools by theDept. Of Computer Science of Assumption College on 17th June 2020 .
- Attended a two day FDP on Online teaching and E-content with the IIDCE on 3rd&4th June 2020.
- Attended a webinar on Recent Economics Stimulus Package- An Appraisal organized by the Post Graduate Dept. of Economics, SreeNarayana College, Kannur.
- Participated in the Erudite Scholar in Residence on the theme Human Rights ,Gender & Sustainable Development by Prof. Emeritus PadminiSwaminathan, Tata Institute of Social Sciences , Hyderabad (In Collaboration with KSHEC& S.B, Baselius Colleges)
- Participated in the National Seminar on Gender, Empowerment and Inclusive Growth organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell on February 19, 2018.
- Participated in the Capacity Building Workshop on Advanced Presentation Skillsorganised by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell in collaboration with ICT Academy,Thiruvanathapuram on February17, 2018.
- Participated in the One –Day Conference on Higher Education organised by Xavier Board of Higher Education in India(Kerala South Region) in association with Assumption College Autonomous,Changanacherry on 11th December 2017.
- Participated in the One WeekNational Workshop on Econometrics by St.Berchman’s College Changanacherry on 28thOctober to 2nd November 2014.
- Participated in the Workshop on Project Proposal Writing conducted by Inter University Centre for Disability Studies (IUCDS), Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayamon 10th May 2013.
- Participated in the UGC NationalWorkshop on Working with SPSS on 14thto 16th July 2011.
- Participated in the 2 day workshop in Restructuring Curriculum of Degree Courses(Preparation of Model Question Papers and Scheme of Valuation in Economics) on 23th and 24th July 2009.
- Participated in the 5 day workshop in Restructuring Curriculum of Degree Courses(Economics) on 14th, 15th, 20th, 21thand 22thMay 2009.
- Participated in the National Seminar on The Role of Women in the Emerging Indian Society organized by the Research and PG Dept. of History, Assumption College, Changanacherryon 12th, 13th, 14thJanuary 2009.
- Participated in the Seminar on Mentoring by St.Berchman’s College Changanacherry on 11th and 12th July 2008.
- Participated in the National Seminar on The Relevance of Community Colleges in the Kerala Scenario by the Indian Centre for Research and Development of Community Education (ICRDCE),Chennai and Archbishop Powathil Assumption Community College(APACC),Changanacherry on 1st November 2008 at Assumption College.
- Participated in the State Level Workshop on Ethics and Human Values at St.Stephen’s College on 28th and 29th June 2007.