
Department of Computer Science

Congratulations: EmpowerHer Internship Winners

Date: April 02, 2024

Talrop, a forward-thinking company committed to diversity and inclusion, recently organised the EmpowerHer Internship program to provide opportunities for women students in computer science. Candidates underwent regress tests and interviews to assess their skills, capabilities, and suitability for the program. After a thorough evaluation, eight talented students from the Department of Computer Science (four each from BSc CS and BCA) were chosen for the internship program. Among them are:

  1. Angel Rose
  2. Jeslin Souriar
  3. Rose Mary
  4. Aleena Maria 
  5. Anupama A
  6. Ann Maria Baby
  7. Anu Joseph
  8. Rinta Thomas 

The EmpowerHer Internship program spans the academic year 2024-25, providing participants ample time to immerse themselves in the training curriculum and gain valuable insights and experiences. These training modules are carefully designed to enhance their skills, broaden their knowledge, and prepare them for the demands of the industry. Upon completing the internship program, participants can secure direct placements, leveraging their newfound skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to the company's objectives.

Congratulations: EmpowerHer Internship Winners

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