Ada Lovelace is considered as the first computer programmers in the world. Her passion and vision for technology have made her a powerful symbol for women in the modern world of technology. Ada Lovelace Day is highlighting the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The program was organized on 13th October 2021, Wednesday at 5.15pm via Google Meet.The program started with a prayer song of Ms. Shinu Navomi Johnson of 3rd BSc Computer Science. Ms. Jovan Maria Raju of 2nd year BSc Computer Science welcomed the gathering. It was followed by the felicitation speech of Rev. Fr. Eby Sebastian. Then a video presentation on “Story of Ada Lovelace” was done by Ms. Aneetta Paul of 2nd BSc Computer Science. It gave a clear-cut idea about Ada Lovelace’s life. After that a time-lapse video of sketching Ada Lovelace by Ms. Gouri N.V of 2nd BSc Computer Science was presented. Next, a video presentation on 10 great inventions by women scientists was done by Ms. Rojal Treesa Joy of 2nd BSc Computer Science. It was a really informative and inspiring one. A quiz session on the life of Ada Lovelace was conducted by Ms. Tincy Sarah Mathew of 2nd BSc Computer Science. The final program was a video presentation on 10 most inspiring women in the world. It was really helpful to motivate the students. At the end of the meeting, Ms. Lishamol Sebastian of 2nd BSc Computer Science expressed the words of gratitude. 90 participants attended the meeting. The program ended at 5.45 pm.