- Coordinator of the International Webinar-2020 on the topic Career Prospects in Chemical Sciences: What, When, Where & How held at Assumption College Autonomous, Changanacherry on 28-09-20.
- Coordinator of wetland day celebrations -2020 held at Assumption College Autonomous, Changanacherry on 6th February 2020.
- Coordinator of one day workshop on LED BULB ASSEMBLING held at Assumption College Autonomous, Changanacherry on 29-01-20.
- Coordinator of the CHEMFEST- IGNIUM 2019 held at Assumption College Autonomous, Changanacherry on 05-12-2019.
- Coordinator of the one day workshop on Minimalistic Life Style held at Assumption College Autonomous, Changanacherry on 26-11-19.
- Coordinator of the two days workshop on CAMPUS GREEN- GREEN AUDIT WORKSHOP held at Assumption College Autonomous, Changanacherry from 22nd October 2018 to 23rd October 2018.
- Coordinator of KSCSTE Co- Sponsored ozone day celebrations-2017 held at Assumption College Autonomous, Changanacherry on 19/09/2017.
international webinars attended
- International symposium on future materials and molecules (ISFM2-2020) hosted by the post graduate & research department of chemistry, Marthoma College, Tiruvalla in association with Kerala state council for science technology and environment from 10th November 2020 to 14th November 2020.
- International webinar on recent advances in chemical science organized by Sree Narayana College, Kollam from 28th - 31st may 2020.
- attended the International Webinar Series on ‘ADAPTING TO THE NEW NORM OF EDUCATION-PART III MENTAL HEALTH NEEDS, FOR STUDENTS AND FACULTY ‘ organised by the Department of Home Science and facilitated by resource persons from Northern State University, USA on 30th July 2020.
- attended the International Webinar Series on ‘ADAPTING TO THE NEW NORM OF EDUCATION-PART II NAVIGATING CHANGE FOR STUDENTS, AND FACULTY’ organised by the Department of Home Science and facilitated by resource persons from Northern State University, USA on 29th July 2020.
- attended the International Webinar Series on ‘ADAPTING TO THE NEW NORM OF EDUCATION-PART I HYFLEX LEARNING MODEL’ organised by the Department of Home Science and facilitated by resource persons from Northern State University, USA on 28th July 2020
- International Webinar on ‘Ultra-Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics (ULTCC): Past Present and Future’ organized by the Research & PG Department of Physics, Assumption College Autonomous, Changanacherry on Wednesday, 04 July 2020
- Webinar on ‘National Education Policy: Provision and Implementation’ organized by the IQAC, Assumption College Autonomous, Changanassery on Friday, 13 November 2020.
- Webinar on 'COVID - 19 Diagnosis: Fundamentals, Current Diagnostic Techniques & Future Directions’ jointly organized by the Department of Biochemistry and Internal Quality Assurance Cell of T. K. M. College of Arts and Science on 12/09/2020.
- Webinar on “Relevance of photoexcitation” organized by Department of Chemistry, M. E. S. College Nedumkandam on 17th July 2020.
- Lecture on “Effective Teaching” in the IQAC Webinar Series on “Emerging Trends in Higher Education”organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Bishop Moore College, Mavelikara, Kerala on 10 July 2020, in association with the Kerala State Higher Education Council, Thiruvananthapuram.
- National level webinar on CHEMISTRY WITH ONLINE TOOLS held on 23 June 2020, at Assumption college, Autonomous, Changanacherry, Kerala.
- Webinar on ‘Online Teaching Tools’ conducted by the Department of Computer Science on 17 June 2020.
- One day seminar on Intellectual Property Rights: Challenges and Opportuniyies organized by the IPR Cell, Assumption Autonomous College, Changanacherry on 6th March 2020.
- State level workshop on microscale experiments in chemistry held on 20th February 2020 at Assumption College, Changanacherry
- National seminar on recent advances in chemistry held on 7th February, 2020 at Assumption college, Changanacherry
- 2 days young innovators programme –Facilitators workshop on “Design Kerala” conducted by ICT Academy of Kerala in Association with K-DISC from 30-01-2020 to 30-01-2020 at Kottayam.
- Phase one training workshop on energy clinic programme of energy management centre, Kerala conducted at Archana women’s centre, Ettumanoor on 27 June 2019
- State level workshop on Microscale experiments held on 12th February 2019 at Assumption College, Changanacherry.
- National seminar on Recent Advances in Materials Science (RAMS 2018) held on 6th & 7th September, 2018 at NSS Hindu College Changanacherry.
- National seminar on ‘Gender, Empowerment and Inclusive Growth’ organized by IQAC on 19-02-18.
- ‘One day conference on higher education’ organized by Xavier board of higher education in India, on 11th December 2017.
- National seminar on ‘Recent Advances in Supramolecular and Nanochemistry’ held on 16th & 17th November, 2017 at Assumption College Changanacherry.
- One day cluster workshop for internal mentors of the walk with a scholar programme held at BCM College Kottayam on 10th January 2017.
- Two days national seminar on recent advances in materials Science (RAMS-2016) held at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam during 18-19 November 2016.
- Seminar on ‘Young educators’ vision’ organized by Xavier board of higher education in India, on 25th October 2016 at Assumption College Changanacherry.
- FLAIR (Fostering linkages in Academic Innovation and Research) Induction Training Programme from 03-10-2016 to 05-10-2016 at Centre for water education, Vellayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram.
- FLAIR (Fostering linkages in Academic Innovation and Research) Orientation Programme on 01-09-2016 at Maria Rani Training centre Thiruvananthapuram.
- International method work shop on TCI held at Chaithanya centre, Kottayam from 31-12-2015 to 4-1-2016.
- National Nodal centre conference conducted by Value virtual Labs at Amrutha Vishwavidyapeetham on 9th Sep. 2015.
- National Nodal centre conference conducted by Value virtual Labs at Amrutha Vishwavidyapeetham on 22nd February 2015.
- ‘International Symposium on Phytochemistry (ISP-2015) and PROF. DR. A. Hisham Endowment Award Ceremony’ held on 25th April 2015 at Science and Technology Museum Thiruvananthapuram.
- Workshop on ‘Research Methodology, Writing Practices, Language & Soft Skills’ held on February 3rd to 5th 2014 at Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom, Trivandrum
- ‘ACS on Campus’ event held on November 29, 2013 at NIIST-Trivandrum
- Midyear NIIST Chemistry Symposium 5th year meeting of the CRSI held on July 23-24, 2009 at Trivandrum.
- “CSIR NIIST – Act National Workshop on frontiers In Organic Synthesis and Drug Discovery” Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.