The Department of Botany organized PHYTO EDUFEST, an All Kerala Intercollegiate Educational Programme on Plant Sciences. It comprises a lecture by an eminent scholar followed by a powerpoint presentation contest for undergraduate students. The Department of Botany organized the official inauguration of PHYTO EDUFEST 2024 at 10.00 am on 13th February, 2024 at Seminar Hall, Assumption College. The ceremony began with a Prayer song by I DC students followed by a Welcome speech by Dr. Reshma R S, Association-in-charge, Department of Botany. The programme was officially inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Dr. Jose Antony, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, Sanatana Dharma College, Alappuzha and presided over by Dr. Rani Maria Thomas, Vice Principal, Assumption College (Autonomous), Changanacherry. The inaugural ceremony was followed by a keynote address by the Chief guest on the topic ”Amazing world of parasitic and insectivorous plants”.
Intercollegiate power point presentation contest was on the topic “Ecological and social insights to address conservation challenges”. Students from various colleges participated and Ms. Deepthi P V, II B.Sc. sudent of Assumption College (Autonomous), Changanacherry bagged first prize followed by Ms. Ceya Jose (St. Berchmans College, Changanacherry) and Ms. Nandhana Sajeev (Alphonsa College, Pala) in second and third positions.