The course titled ‘Plant Tissue Culture Technique’ was organized from 7th August to 11th August 2023 by the Department of Botany to inculcate the concept, significance and practical knowledge of plant tissue culture in interested students. In total, 21 students from different streams joined the course. On the first two days, theory classes were taken for familiarizing the techniques of plant tissue culture. The basic concepts and terms in plant tissue culture were explained. The significance and applications of the technique were discussed. The basic requirements of plant tissue culture – laboratory organization, various instruments, culture media preparation, sterilization methods etc. were described in the class. The students were given an idea of the different stages and steps in tissue culture technique and various methods employed for various purposes. On the third and fourth days practical sessions were carried out. The students were given hands on training on various procedures – cell immobilization, calculation and media preparation, explant preparation and inoculation. Also the students were trained to use various instruments like microscope, weighing balance, pH meter, hot air oven, laminar airflow chamber etc. Assessment was done by a test on the basic concepts, assignment based on successful practical applications of plant tissue culture and a demonstration of tissue culture techniques. On the fifth day, a research institute visit – visit to Rubber Research Institute of India, Kottayam - was conducted. The students got a chance to visit various laboratories and familiarize various instruments and techniques. Overall the course helped the students to achieve the expected course outcomes.