
Department of Botany

Association Inauguration & Invited talk 2019-20

Date: July 04, 2019

The Botany association, Laurel 2019 was inaugurated by Dr. P.N Krishnan (KSCSTE Emeritus Scientist MBGIPS, Kozhikode and Honarary Director, Ecology and Biodiversity CISSA, TVM, Former HoD, Division of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, JNTBGRI, Palode, TVM) ON 04/07/2019. A keynote address was delivered on the topic 'Role of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics in Biodiversity Conservation'. Release of Department manuscript 'HARITHA 2k18-19'  was also done.‘Haritha’, the manuscript magazine of  Botany  Association is aimed at nurturing the academic,  artistic and literary skills of the association members.

Association Inauguration & Invited talk 2019-20
Association Inauguration & Invited talk 2019-20
Association Inauguration & Invited talk 2019-20

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