

“Pink October” - Invited Lecture on " Breast Cancer: Knowledge is Power, Early Action is the Key”

Date: October 29,2024

The unit in association with Staff Association of the college organized an invited talk on "Breast Cancer: Knowledge is Power, Early Action is the Key“ by Dr. Blessy Johns DNB, DMRT, Consultant Oncologist, Department of Medical Oncology, St. Thomas Hospital, Chethipuzha as a part of “Pink October” on 29th October, 2024. Breast Cancer Day, also known as "Pink October", is a global campaign held every October to raise awareness about breast cancer, promote early detection, and support research for better treatment options. The programme started by the welcome address by Dr. Theresa Thomas, President Staff Association. The objective of this session was to raise awareness about breast cancer, including its early detection, risk factors, and preventive measures. This informative class aimed to educate participants on the importance of early diagnosis, regular self-examinations, and healthy lifestyle choices to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Dr. Blessy Johns began with an overview of breast cancer, explaining its causes, types, and how it impacts individuals and families. She highlighted the importance of understanding the risk factors, such as genetics and lifestyle choices. The session concluded with an open forum where participants asked questions about breast cancer, early warning signs, and how to approach screenings. Dr. Blessy answered each question, ensuring participants left with a comprehensive understanding of breast cancer awareness. The programme was concluded with the vote of thanks by Dr. Shelmi Antony, Programme Officer. Around 50 volunteers and staff participated.

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