Student Attributes
Assumption College Autonomous Changanacherry strives for facilitating students for achieving professionalism, transparency, and efficiency in all its curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities. To maintain the highest academic standards the college has been upholding the noblest Christian ideals and moral values to create enlightened, empowered, and socially committed women since 1949. Following student attributes are facilitated by the college:
- Excellence: The College promotes excellence as a quality among the students in all their activities and inspires them to strive for the best.
- Discipline and Punctuality: The college maintains a Code of Conduct for students to develop among them discipline, punctuality, behavioral decorum and professional ethics.
- Integrity: Integrity is the quality of being honest in all things, to all people, and at all times. The College takes efforts to nurture this quality among students both in the personal and social dimensions.
- Dignity of Womanhood: Being one of the leading women’s colleges in Kerala, students of the college are trained to participate, coordinate and take up responsibilities of their own in every curricular and co-curricular activities and uplift the dignity of womanhood by developing an individuality and integrated personality to meet the expectations of professional and social world.
- Inclusiveness: The College invites everyone to enjoy the nectar of knowledge from the same fountain by promoting inclusiveness among students encouraging fellow feeling, compassion and sensitiveness towards their friends and peers by engaging them in NSS units, Equal Opportunity Cell, Human Rights Cell, Women Cell, Peace Club, Friday Donation for the needy and Peer Led Learning programme. There is a special programme for Walk with Specially Skilled to provide special support to students with disabilities.
- Sustainable Living: Students are encouraged to understand the values of conservation of natural resources and promote green initiatives and thereby involve in care for nature to contribute for the evolution and practices of sustainable development.
- Green Practices and Eco-friendly Habits: The Green Policy and Green Protocol is developed to inculcate eco-friendly practices among students like ‘Ban on Plastic’, waste recycling, reuse of waste paper, use of cloth banners, maintenance of Orchidarium, Fernery, Vegetable garden, medicinal plants etc. The Nature Club, Bhoomitra Sena Club, Biodiversity Club in association with the departments of Botany, Chemistry and Zoology associations are the ideal platforms for students for learning and practicing green practices.
- Social Commitments: To create socially productive citizens the college has developed a compulsory Assumption Extension and Social Outreach Programme (AESOP) for every student, as one of the best practices of the institution. In addition to this, the NCC and NSS units and the department of Social Work train them to be committed to the local community and social work.
- National Values: Singing the National Anthem every day, observing days of national importance, hoisting the national flag at college, display of the preamble of the constitution on campus, constitution day quiz and activities under the banner of NCC unit inculcate national feelings and patriotism among students.
- Moral and Spiritual Values: Compulsory Value Education Courses, Mentoring Programme, Mind mastering sessions, Retreat Sessions, sessions on Mental Health, Prayer meetings are conducted for the moral and spiritual upliftment of students.