Formal inauguration of APACC in February 2005 by his Excellency Archbishop Pedro Lopez Quintana, Apostolic Nuncio
Rev Sr Geo Maria appointed Director of APACC
APACC was honoured with "C H Award 200" for excellence in innovation instituted by C H foundation in memory of Sri C H Mohammed Koya, former education minister.
2006 - Registered under RCCA (Rural Community College Alliance) Kentucky, USA.
2007 - APACC got special mention as the "JEWEL IN THE CROWN OF ASSUMPTION" by NAAC Peer Team
2008 - Inauguration of Akshaya Centre
2009 - Signing of MoU : Keltron Medical Transportation Course IGNOU course throgh AKSHAYA
2010 - Dr Rev Sr Mercy Nedumpuram appointed Director of APACC
Inauguration of Assumption Social Business Incubation Centre for Women.
Inauguration of Assumption Fashion Boutique.
AWAKE Society registered.
2014 - International Conference on Women Entrepreneurship
2015- Rev Sr Cherukusumam CMC appointed Director of APACC
2016- Commencement of SAP International Certification courses in ERP, Finance, ERP and Finance
Rev Dr Thomas Joseph apponted Director of APACC.
APACC is registered as Akshaya Centre collaborating with the IT Mission, Govt. of Kerala.APACC is registered as Akshaya Centre collaborating with the IT Mission, Govt. of Kerala.
Organized Mustering Programme.
Commencement of Malayalam Computing
2020- During the Legislative Assembly Elections in the month of November 2020, APACC Akshaya Centre was involved and Mrs.Sangeetha Alphonse of APACC was associated with the programme.
APACC was involved in Young Innovators Programme Registration.
APACC and NSS Unit of Assumption College organized the registration of Voter’s ID.
2022- MoU signed between Trinity Professional Academy and APACC.Commencement of the following courses in the month of April,2022.