“How lovely is your dwelling place,
Lord Almighty!
Better is one day in your courts
To serve the spiritual needs of the students, Assumption College has a Chapel within its campus. Services are offered with the aim of spiritual upliftment of students and the staff.
At the beginning of each academic year, our Patron celebrates Holy Qurbana consecrating ourselves anew to the loving care of the Almighty God to Whom we entrust all our activities. A thanksgiving Mass is also celebrated at the end of the academic year to thank God for His Divine Providence. On every first Friday, there is a celebration of the Holy Eucharist attended by the staff and students. Everyday Holy Mass is celebrated at the College Chapel for hostel students.
Prayer meetings are held on Wednesdays in the College Chapel so as to foster the faith formation of Catholic students. Prayer meetings are also organized for the teaching stand and for non-teaching staff, once every week. Ample opportunities are provided for Catholic students to receive the sacrament of reconciliation (Confession).
In Preparation for the Feast of Our Lady of Assumption, a Novena Prayer is conducted in the campus for one week and 13 hours of adoration is held in the College Chapel in August every year.
Annual Retreat is organized for both the staff and students. Observation of a day of fasting is an annual feature of Assumption and the cash collected is used for the purpose of charity works.