

Master of Social Work

Specialisations Offered: Medical and Psychiatry and Community Development

The social work profession promotes, social change, problem solving in human relationships, the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well  being. Social work education is a discipline of study that intends to make the students professional persons in the area of professional social work,as may be required from time to time by the society. Generally social work education is classified as an inter disciplinary approach as it combines method of study which includes class room teaching and field work exposure.

The major career opportunities are the following:

Medical Social Worker
Medical social worker  works in variety of geriatric, palliative, oncology, cardiology  and other speciality and super speciality medical departments  in a hospital. Medical Social Worker helps assess the patient holistically and offers support and resources that patients need in order recover from the illness.

Psychiatric  Social Worker
In a psychiatric setting and de addiction centres, social worker provides assesment, therapeutical interventions and counselling services to patients as well as family members to deal with patients with mental illness in the family.

School Social Worker/School Counsellor
School social worker helps teachers, students and their families manage their mental health and behavioural concerns.

Counselling and Psychotherapy
Social worker provides mental health services to individuals facing mental health challenges and Interpersonal issues.

Government sector and NGOs
Social Workers support individuals, families and communities those who are financially or socially vulnerable.  They may come up with new voluntary projects or work as part of government initiatives in order to develop the skills of the local people to make them self reliant. Social Workers employed in government sector get into various Central Government and State government departments. They are primarily appointed under the various Programmes in Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Ministry of women and child development, Health and family welfare, Ministry of Human Resource development, Panchayat Raj etc.

Corporate Social Responsibility
To carry out a corporate social responsibility, companies find Social Workers as the right fit as they get educated in development project writing, sustainability, Human Rights, Management and legislations which equip them to work for CSR project.

International  Bodies of Social Development
Social Work graduates who are interested to work in different corners of world find their international career opportunities  include, UN, UNICEF, WHO, UNDP etc.

Public Relations

Since public relations are a major process of social welfare communication and development support communication, social workers having a humanistic approach are considered as the apt professionals to this field.

Research and Development
As in any profession, research in Social Work helps in development of new knowledge, policies and programmes for the benefit of profession and society. A social worker who has the passion, focus, confidence, knowledge and analytical skills can excel in this field with a handful of opportunities.