

M.Sc. Textiles & Fashion

The postgraduate programme, M.Sc. Textiles and Fashion, also started as a UGC Sponsored Innovative Programme in 2012, provides opportunity for graduates to pursue higher education in the field of fashion under the same roof. Courses include advanced components of both textile and fashion disciplines enabling students to take up entrepreneurship and find positions that require a higher degree of fashion education. Those who want to opt for research must pursue this degree as it covers comprehensive understanding in all aspects of textile and fashion technology. The curriculum emphasizes the history of textiles, fabrics and garment finishing, visual merchandising, textile technology, textile quality standards, technical textiles, fashion forecasting, fashion choreography, fashion draping, couture wear making etc.


15 Seats


A Degree in any Fashion or Textile related subject / a Basic Degree in any subject having Textiles or Fashion as core course /a Basic Degree plus a Diploma in Fashion or Textile related topic recognized by the university.


2 Years


All the qualifying candidates who met the eligibility criteria should attend the Aptitude Test and Personal Interview.

Course Details
Year 1
Sem Subject Paper Paper Title
I PTF1CT01 Core History of Textiles
PTF1CT02 Core Garment Manufacturing Technology
PTF1CT03 Core Fashion Language and Terminologies
PTF1CT04 Core Fabric Studies
PTF1CP01 Core Fashion Illustration and Design
II PTF2CT05 Core Fashion Merchandising and Marketing
PTF2CT06 Core Fabric and Garment Finishing
PTF2CT07 Core Research Methodology and Statistics
PTF2CP02 Core Fashion Draping
PTF2CP03 Core Couture Wear Assembling
Year 2
Sem Subject Paper Paper Title
III PTF3CT08 Core Textile Quality Standards and Implementation
PTF3CT09 Core Textile Designing
PTF3CT10 Core Visual Merchandising
PTF3CP04 Core Textile Testing
PTF3CP05 Core Dyeing and Printing
PTF3CP05 Core Dyeing and Printing
IV PTF4ET01 Elective Fashion Forecasting and Trend Research
PTF4ET02 Elective Technical Textiles
PTF4ET03 Elective Fashion Presentation and Choreography
PTF4CP06 Core Career Portfolio Development
PTF4CP07 Core Computer Application in Fashion
PTF4CD01 Core Project Dissertation
PTF4CV01 Core Viva Voce