

BSc Physics

The Bachelor of Physics is a three year programme consisting of six semesters. The programme follows a Choice Based Credit System. The programme gives a basic understanding on the basic topics in physics, which helps one to go for higher studies and shapes ones skills in analysing evidences and solving problems which help them get placed at several industries and allied areas.


A pass in higher secondary education in Science stream with Physics as one of the subject.

Programme Features
  • Common Course English in the first four semesters
  • Complementary Courses – Mathematics and Chemistry in the first four semesters
  • Open Course in Semester V which could be opted from various courses offered by other arts and science departments
  • Choice based Course in Semester VI
  • Project Work in the core subject in Semester VI
Additional Courses offered

During the programme, students are also offered following courses

  • Certificate Course  (30 hours) -  ‘Basic Engineering Skills’
  • Enrichment Module (15 hours) -  ‘Quick Fix – A Course in Quantitative Aptitude’
Course Oppurtunities

During the course many students are getting opportunities like Summer/Winter Fellow ships at premier institutes in India and also complete internships from other institutes. They also get opportunities for participating in international student exchange programs. More than 70% students every year after the course go for higher studies in pure Physics, specialised topics in physics, management studies etc.  Students represent various State level and National Level Physics Talent Search Examinations.
Many students get selected for higher studies in foreign universities. One student each from two previous batches got MaMaSELF  Erasmus Mundus International Scholarship and one got selected for T P Nedungadi International Internship award. After the course many students get placed at firms like INFOSYS, TCS, Sutherland etc.
Department also conducts several events to foster the intellectual, communication and leadership qualities among the students.

Course Details
Year 1
Sem Subject Paper Paper Title
I Core I PH1CRT01 Understanding Physics
Core Practical I PH1CRP01 Practical I
Complementary Course I MM1CMT01 Partial Differentiation, Matrices, Trigonometry and Numerical Methods
Complementary Course II CH1CMT01 Basic Theoretical And Analytical Chemistry
Complementary Course II Practical CH1CMP01 Volumetric Analysis
II Core II PH2CRT02 Basic Mechanics and Properties of Matter
Core Practical II PH2CRP02 Practical II
Complementary Course I MM1CMT02 Integral Calculus, Ordinary & Partial Differential Equations
Complementary Course II CH2CMT02 Basic Organic Chemistry
Complementary Course II Practical CH2CMP02 Volumetric Analysis
Year 2
Sem Subject Paper Paper Title
III Core III PH3CRT03 Electronics
Core Practical III PH3CRP03 Practical III
Complementary Course I MM3CMT03 Vector Calculus, Analytic Geometry and Abstract Algebra
Complementary Course II CH3PHMT1 Advanced Physical Chemistry I
Complementary Course II Practical CH3PHMP1 Physical Chemistry
IV Core IV PH4CRT04 Electricity, Magnetism and Electrodynamics
Core Practical IV PH4CRP04: Practical IV
Complementary Course I MM1CMT04 Fourier Series, Laplace Transform and Linear Algebra
Complementary Course II CH4PHMT2 Advanced Physical Chemistry II
Complementary Course II Practical CH4PHMP2 Physical Chemistry
Year 3
Sem Subject Paper Paper Title
V Core V PH5CRT05 Classical and Modern Optics
Core Practical V PH5CRP05 Practical V
Core VI PH5CRT06 Classical Mechanics and Relativity
Core Practical VI PH5CRP06 Practical VI
Core VII PH5CRT07 Digital Electronics and Programming
Core Practical VII PH5CRP07 Practical VII
Core VIII PH5CRT08 Environmental Physics and Human Rights
Open Course PH5OPT01 Physics in Daily Life
VI Core IX PH6CRT09 Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy
Core Practical IX PH6CRP09 Practical IX
Core X PH6CRT10 Solid State Physics
Core Practical X PH6CRP10 Practical X
Core XI PH6CRT11 Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics and Astro Physics
Core Practical XI PH6CRP11 Practical XI
Core XII PH6CRT12 Thermodynamics and Basic Statistical Physics
Core Practical XII PH6CRP12 Practical XII
Choice Based Course PH6CBT01 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Project Project