

BSc Mathematics


The Programme Structure

(i)Common Course- English

(ii)Second language (Hindi/Malayalam/French)

(iii)Core Courses in Mathematics

(iv) Complementary Course in Statistics and Physics

(v)Choice based Course: Operation Research

(vi)Open Course in 5 th semester

(vii)Project in 6th semester


Intake: 60 Seats



Pass in Plus Two/ Equivalent Examination with Mathematics as one of the optional subjects or Mathematics as one of the subjects in Commerce group.

Course Details
Year 1
Sem Subject Paper Paper Title
I Core -Mathematics MM1CRT01 Logic and Differential Calculus
Complementary-Statistics ST1MMMT1 Basic Statistics
II Core -Mathematics MM2CRT02 Analytic Geometry, Trigonometry and Matrices
Complementary-Statistics ST2MMMT2 Probability Distribution of Random Variables
Year 2
Sem Subject Paper Paper Title
III Core-Mathematics MM3CRT03 Integral Calculus, Partial Differentiation and Number Theory
Complementary-Statistics ST3MMMT3 Standard Probability Distributions
IV Core -Mathematics MM4CRT04 Vector Calculus, Theory of Equations and Laplace Transforms
Complementary-Statistics ST4MMMT4 Statistical Inference
Year 3
Sem Subject Paper Paper Title
V Core -Mathematics MM5CRT05 Real Analysis - I
Core -Mathematics MM3CRT06 Differential Equations
Core -Mathematics MM2CRT07 Absract Algebra
Core -Mathematics MM5CRT08 Human Rights and Mathematics for Environmental Studies
Core -Mathematics Varies according to allotment Open course
VI Core -Mathematics MM6CRT09 Real Analysis-II
Core -Mathematics MM6CRT10 Complex Analysis
Core -Mathematics MM5CRT11 Linear Algebra and Metric Spaces
Core -Mathematics MM6CRT12 Discrete Mathematics and Numerical Methods
Core -Mathematics(Choice Based Course ) MM6CBT01 Operations Research
Project MM6CPR01 Project