

BCom Computer Application


B Com  Computer Application is an undergraduate course aimed at imparting thorough practical and conceptual knowledge in a variety of subjects in Commerce. It is a three year programme consisting of six semesters. The course offers UGC Sponsored Career Oriented add on course -Tally ERP9 [Over view of Computer system, Application of computers in financial accounting, Tally with electronic spreadsheet, Business Communication]

Intake: 60

Eligibility: Pass in plus two with Book Keeping and Accountancy as core subject and optional subjects from the following subjects mentioned below under part III of the examination: Commerce, Mathematics Practice and Management, Informatics Practices, Commercial Correspondence and Commercial Geography, Banking with Secretarial Practice, Economics, Business Studies, Life Insurance with Salesmanship Management, Computer Science/ Computer Applications, Informatics, Accountancy OR Pass in plus two with 45% marks and had other subject under part III optional subjects.


The course comprises of: 

  1. Common course – English
  2. Complementary courses – Managerial Economics, Advertising and Sales Promotion
  3. Elective courses- Computer Awareness and Application, Information Technology, Internet and Web designing, Computerised Accounting (Tally ERP9)
  4. Open courses - Foundation course in Accounting
  5. Project in 6th semester


Higher studies:

M.Com, MBA, CA, ICWA, ACCA, CMA, CS, M.Com-Tax, HR, Marketing management...

Course Details
Year 1
Sem Subject Paper Paper Title
I Core C01CRT01 Business Statistics
Core C01CRT02 Modern Banking
Core C01CTR03 Fundamentals of Business Regulations
Core C01CTR04 Fundamentals of Commerce
Common course I English
Common course II Additional Language
II Core C01CTR05 Quantitative Techniques for Business Research
Core C01CTR06 Principles of Insurance
Core C01CTR07 Fundamentals of Corporate Regulations
Core C01CTR08 Fundamentals of Accounting
Common course I English
Common course II Additional Language
Year 2
Sem Subject Paper Paper Title
III Core C01CRT09 Marketing Management
Core C01CRT10 Financial Accounting
Core C01CRT11 E-Commerce
Complementary C01CMT01 Managerial Economics
Elective C03CAET1 Computer Awareness & Application (Theory)
Elective- Practical C03CAEP1 Computer Awareness & Application (Practical)
Common Course I English
IV Core C01CRT12 Corporate Accounting I
Core C01CRT13 Financial Market
Core C01CRT14 Financial Services
Complementary C04CMT02 Advertising & Sales Promotion
Elective C04CAET2 Information Technology (Theory)
Elective- Practical C04CAEP2 Information Technology (Practical)
Common course I English
Year 3
Sem Subject Paper Paper Title
V Core C05CRT15 Cost Accounting
Core C05CRT16 Corporate Accounting II
Core C05CRT17 Environmental Issues of Business & Human Rights
Open Course CO5OPT01 Foundation Course in Accounting
Elective CO5CAET3 Internet & Web Designing
Elective- Practical CO5CAEP3 Internet & Web Designing (Practical)
VI Core CO6CRT18 Entrepreneurship Development & Project Management
Core CO6CRT19 Applied Cost Accounting
Core CO6CRT20 Auditing
Core CO6CRT21 Management Accounting
Elective CO6CAET4 Computerised Accounting
Elective- Practical CO6CAEP4 Computerised Accounting (Practical)
Project CO6CPR01 Project & Project Viva Voce